What We Do

Making Smart Connections.

We know housing and economics can be confusing so we work to decode, simplify, and explain important issues that impact communities. We use numbers, because numbers don't lie. We break down complicated math to show our readers the information they need to make more informed decisions.

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Young. Smart. Rich.

Better Dwelling's advertisers are able to connect with a blend of curious millennials, and savvy high net-worth individuals searching for a balanced data-driven perspective on housing. Our readers are smart with their money, and are looking for intelligent ways to invest.









$2 million+

Expert Insights

Industry Leaders.

We don't just drop our own knowledge. We also interview some of the world's smartest housing experts.

The biggest hurdle facing laneway housing is the lack of awareness by our fellow citizens about the enormous potential embedded in Toronto’s extensive system of laneways.

-- Brigette Shim

World Renowned Architect

The Country is using housing as an economic generator, and it’s going to be an economic killer…housing is shelter, and right now it’s being used for speculative purposes.

Marc Cohodes

Former Wall Street Hedge Fund Manager, Housing Expert.

We’ve got realtors involved in money laundering. We’ve got complex tax evasion schemes. We’ve got it all, it’s a Wild West and it needs to be cleaned up.

-- David Eby

Vancouver MLA, Housing Critic.

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